President, Janice Edmiston, CFRE
Choctaw and Sac and Fox
Vice President, Robert Anquoe
Secretary, Joyce Roberts
Treasurer, David Spring
Jay Anderson, DDS,
Jim Cameron,
Brent Allison, CPA, CMA,
Bob Bitting,
Brandon Caruso, MBA,
Walela Knight,
Goldie Phillips,
Tyler Post
Matt Wilkett, D.O.,
Carmelita Wamego Skeeter
Chief Executive Officer
Carmelita Skeeter began her career at IHCRC in 1976 when she helped survey residents to assess health needs of the local urban Indian population. Survey results showed medical needs of Tulsa’s American Indians were not being met. When she was hired as one of IHCRC’s original four employees, the agency provided referral services only. Within a year, the first medical services were offered. During her tenure with IHCRC, Carmelita has worn many hats, including Clinic Administrator and, since 1989, Chief Executive Officer.
Carmelita has been recognized numerous times for her tireless efforts to ensure quality, accessible and comprehensive health care to Tulsa’s Indian people. As a proud member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she speaks strongly in support of minority and Indian health needs. Carmelita has distinguished herself both locally and nationally with her advocacy and dedication to a wide range of critical health care issues. She is an activist and strong supporter of aiding underserved populations. She is not a person who sits down in the time of need; she is the one who coordinates the troops.
Carmelita’s dedication to the betterment of lives for the American Indian population has been the focus of her professional life. Her legacy will be remembered as one who always stood up for those who couldn’t speak for themselves and who worked diligently to leave circumstances better than she found them. Because of her political finesse, hard work and dedication, she has ensured the health care needs for American Indians in Tulsa and the surrounding areas is not only better, but much better.
Deanna Holman
Chief Financial Officer
Deanna joined Indian Health Care Resource Center’s Accounting Department on July 1, 1984. Over the last 36 years in the Accounting Department, Deanna has been the Full Charge Bookkeeper, Comptroller, and Accounting Supervisor. She has met each new career challenge with enthusiasm and continued her education along the way. In 1987, Deanna attended Tulsa Community College to learn computer code for her Comptroller position. She earned her Associates Degree in 1994 and her Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting in 2003 from Oklahoma State University. In 2005, she earned her CPA. We are proud to announce Deanna Holman, B.B.A., C.P.A. has been promoted to IHCRC’s Chief Financial Officer.
Tanya Cain, RN
Chief Operating Officer
Tanya first came to IHCRC as the Triage Nurse / Immunizations / Nursing Supervisor in the Medical department on August 3, 2009 and served as the Clinic Administrator for the last several years of her tenure at IHCRC. As a Registered Nurse with 35-years of experience in the medical field, Tanya has been a valuable resource to IHCRC since she was first hired. She took a lead role in 2013 in assisting IHCRC staff to achieve Medical Home designation through our accrediting body, AAAHC. She has brought stability to our nursing staff and expanded access to our medical services. Tanya takes a lead role with risk management, safety and the overall operations of the clinic.
Tanya earned an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing from Northern Oklahoma College and a bachelor’s degree from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. Tanya supervises two nurse supervisors who assist her in overseeing all medical assistants in the Medical department, all Public Health Nurses, Nurse Case Managers, Lab staff, Diagnostic Imaging staff and the Medical Records staff. Tanya is the gatekeeper for all initial patient complaints in the Medical department. She is the enforcer of our clinical policies and procedures. She serves on the Leadership Team, CAC Team, OSHA Committee, C&P Committee and the Peer Review Committee.